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Clinton murders women, children, doctors, nurses, medics, patients, and people all over the world!

The militarization of police pretty much began with Wilhelm jefferson Cllnton suspending possee Comitatus along with Janet Reno calling up regular army soldiers to attack a group in Waco, Tx. More than 16 Special Forces officers were deployed with 10 Nighthawks along with 30 more regular Army soldiers out of Fort Hood. Before that, nobody had assembled a military group in the US to attack a domestic civilian group of citizens. The only thing that came remotely close was the bonus march riots from WWI and that was an armed incursion of Washington D.C. Even Kent State was a callup of National Guard and they are never the same as using Special Forces career soldiers. Clinton also authorized the use of M1 Abrams tanks for direct assault in Waco. This was despite the fact the local Sheriff Jack Harwell had a good relationship with David Koresh and the leadership and told the FBI that he could have taken the warrant and served it in a cafe in Waco frequented by Koresh and they could have settled the whole thing with no loss of life. Clinton wanted to prove the suspension of posse comitatus and it ushered in the armed police system we have today.


3 Huey Bell attack helicopters, 1 Cessna air force FLIR unit, 2 M1 Abrahams tanks with 1 recovery vehicle and a crew of 12 plus mechanic and armor. Marine Delta Force, 160th Specops Night Stalkers, Regular Army soldiers, Regular Marine Soldiers, M27 infantry full auto machine guns, M240B machine guns, Rocket launchers with gas and explosive ordnance.

Documenting Creepy Jeffy

So Trump is most corrupt president…Hm..


Lets see, a former Secret Service agent who served the Clinton Whitehouse had some interesting and disturbing things to say about Clinton and Hlyliar.

  1. Clinton caused loss of Lincoln Bedroom income when Hlyliar threw him out of the executive suite for diddling other women there.

  2. CNN says Clinton made $5.4M renting out the Lincoln Bedroom.  Some of them will be people he later pardoned such as his own felon drug dealing brother.

  1. Clinton approved the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.  That later created the horrific situation we have now with trillion dollar trade deficits when Clinton was forced to grant China the Most-Favored-Nation status as compensation for blowing up so many Chinese nationals.

  2. And Clinton called the absolute largest show of military on-duty force since Herbert Hoover called up the U.S.Army to defend the U.S. Capital against the WWI bonus rioters.  No other president has ever called up so much military might from so many active duty military bases than Clinton did for Waco. And the local sheriff warned them he could have arrested Koresh and the other leaders in town at the local café. But Clinton wanted to prove he could suspend Posse Commitatus and not get any flack from the Super-Majority Democrats at the US Senate and House. 

Jeffy used hydrogen cyanide gas on people

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